Containment Overflow
Works in series: 5
Size: 46cm x 2cm x 46cm
Layers: 11
Year: 2016
Through this piece I wanted to explore my thoughts and feelings surrounding my journey around chronic depression, and self-evaluation. In this particular piece, I’m exploring how the different facets interlink together and have explored this in depth. When you examine this closely you will see different aspects slowly reveal themselves and I think that is the same with life patterns and self-evaluation.
This piece was also inspired by wanting to explore how I could play with the layering technique that I have been using for many of my pieces. Half of the layers are hidden in order to separate and empathise the visual layers within their shadows.
This piece of 12 layers and including the size has been really labour intensive piece which has made it a real pleasure in photographing. It took two months from the conception of the idea to put the piece together.
The original artwork is available from a series of five and there are also two different versions of prints available for purchase.
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